The Wantirna South Junior Football Club home of the mighty Devils, has over 400 children playing the great game of Australian Rules and we also have a strong affiliation with the Wantirna South Auskick, where it all begins, for over 100 more children. Add to these numbers siblings, parents and extended families and you get an understanding of the large numbers interacting and involved in our club over a six month period.
Our vision is to be a well-respected football club across the Eastern Football League, known for its positive culture, which is a destination club for families. In addition we will be seen as a pro-active contributor to and an integral part of the community.
Our mission is to ensure children are all given the opportunity to develop skills, whilst learning the importance of teamwork and about the value of winning and losing. We will create an environment that focuses on having a go, playing for fun and meeting new people and creating friendships. In addition our club will utilise its history and environment to support other initiatives that impact on the wider community. As a place for learning, socialising and integration we strive to make a positive impact in our local area.
We measure our success on two factors. Firstly, how we can help our players over a 10 year period of their childhood grow and develop to become independent and confident young adults and secondly on how we as a club contribute to our local community. It is our view that any on field success will naturally follow from building individuals with character and confidence. We are a local community club that cares for all of its players, parents and supporters.
Due to the dedication of my committee, I have no doubt we will achieve our vision. We already have some great sponsors and supporters on-board, however the level of that success will be quantifiably greater through more partnerships. We understand becoming a partner should have mutual benefit for both parties. As such our sponsorship packages are designed with our sponsors, so they have input on what they see as value added to them. This can range from marketing exposure, through to supporting community programs for our players (e.g. awareness & education programs) or just sponsoring with no payback required. We are not limited in our expectation on what a mutual partnership can bring, don’t you be either.
Therefore on behalf of the Wantirna South Junior Football Club, I welcome you to consider becoming part of “The Devils” community. Get in touch via email at to discuss how we can partner together.